What Our Clients Says

I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my life coaching sessions which have been absolutely invaluable to me during a very stressful time as a new parent with a demanding job. Taking some rare time to focus on myself and plan for my short-term and long-term goals has given some much-needed inner peace and the confidence to make important decisions for myself and my family. I would recommend Stellar Life Strategies to anyone, without hesitation.

Samantha J.

Vancouver, Canada

Working with the coaches at Stellar Life Strategies has changed my life. When I started coaching I was stuck in a corporate job I hated and had worked for 10years. After 1month of coaching I had the support, confidence and courage I needed to take the first step in career change i desperately wanted for so long. Today I have the job of my dreams. My only regret is not starting sooner.

Elizabeth H.

San Franciso, USA

If you are ready to take charge of your life and make some changes, I would recommend working with Pascale as your coach. She helped me with all the problem relationships in my life and and even helped me with some fantastic ideas for my business. Definitely a high ROI on all fronts. Pascale is a wonderful co-pilot to have on your journey.

Bruce G.

San Diego, USA

My Life coach really helped me to add more fun into my life and tapped into my desire to go back to adding more creativity and unstructured moments into my life. I used to be very stressde out making more money with no true purpose. I was near a burntout and wasn't even aware of it. My coach helped me turned a paralyzing stress into a renewed confidence and I've been able to add the joy back into my life. Strangely enough, it has resulted in more productivity and more income. I strongly recommend Stellar Life Strategies to everyone!

Jason k.

New Jersey, USA

Over the past year, I have been coached through some very big transitions in my life. Without the guidiance and honesty of my coach I would have struggled to identify and focus on priorities and face the fears that had created the barriers in my life. My coach was incredibly patient, listened intently and always provided actionable insight. She genuinely cares and I feel lucky to have met her and would recommend her (and have) to anyone seeking support or growth either individually or as a couple.

George N.

Chicago, USA

I'm so glad to have decided to add a Life Coach on my life's journey. Having a non-judgemental, accountability partner that catered to my crazy schedule has enabled me to make a huge strides in so many areas of my life. I started with my life coaching due to the stress of raising three very emotional teenegers. Gaining the confidence to step up my leadership role in my family also lead to me taking better care of my physical health and improving my marriage. I am so grateful for help I received. I will tell everyone who wants to achieve more (and even those who don't know what they want) about the difference coaching can make. My coaching sessions always ended with me feeling full of hope and possibility. I went from feeling my life was a train wreck to feeling that the best of my life was clearly ahead of me. Thank you!

Barbara s.

Calgary, Canada

During a very difficult separation and divorce I was referred to Pascale at Stellar Life Strategies. I knew nothing about life coaching and initially felt it might be like therapy (which i was already doing) and therefore thought it would be a waste of time. The contrary was true. I found my sessions to be vital as they helped me to manage my daily stress and feelings of guilt. Most importantly, with Pascale's help I planned an exit strategy that left me feeling that I did the very best I could for my children and ex-wife. I was able to gain the confidence I needed to walk away from a 30-year marriage without feeling ashamed or guilty. Prior to my sessions I felt like a failure as husband and a father. Today I have a friendly and healthy relationship with my ex-wife and all my children are thriving. Without the support from Pascale I doubt this outcome would have been possible. I am thankful to Pascale more than words can describe.

Michael D.

Montreal, Canada

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