About Us

Stellat Life Strategies international is a comprised of a network of professional coaches. We cater to an English-speaking clientele worldwide and have both general life coaches and coaches that specialize in distinct life areas such as relationships, career, parenting, leadership, business, financial management, health and wellness.

Professional coaching with Stellar Life Strategies is about forming ongoing partnerships between clients and coaches intended to improve and enhance the quality of our clients' lives.

Life Coaching

Some people dream of success. We help you make it happen.

History of Life Coaching

Life coaching has its roots in sports coaching from the 1970s, where the coaches of champions learnt that winning in sports was as much about self-confidence, mental attitude and visualization as it was about natural talent, discipline and the fine-tuning of athletic skills.

Services We Offer

As we go through the transitions of life we face questions about what we need to do to get happy, keep our love alive and find our life's joy, purpose and meaning. Work with one of our coaches to find the answers to your most perplexing questions and get excited about exhancing your life.


  • Confidence building to live your true values
  • Creating high-quality relationships with your parents, partner and/or children
  • Nurturing sustainable relationships and exiting ones that drain you
  • Dating, pre-cohabitation/marriage support
  • Finding a path to your true passion of life's purpose.


  • Building a path to success and professional advancement
  • Establishing a winner's mindset to maximize career potential
  • Networking (within your company and externally)
  • Learning to get along at work or planning an exit strategy
  • Salary negotiation coaching


  • Creating a road map to make the vision for your business a reality
  • Leadership coaching
  • Increasing revenue and profitability
  • Finding and keeping the right team
  • Getting ready for succession or an exit


  • Blueprints for short-term and long-term financial health
  • Eliminating the stress of money management
  • Cultivating a healthy relationship with money
  • Financial legacy planning
  • Strategies to fund your desired lifestyle
  • Cash Flow Planning (USA and Canada)
  • Retirement Income Planning (USA and Canada)


  • Designing optimized health plans to suit your lifestyle
  • Getting control of weight management
  • Holistic approach to mind-body-soul health maintenance
  • Disease prevention
  • Coaching for peak, physical mental performance

What Our Clients Says

I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my life coaching sessions which have been absolutely invaluable to me during a very stressful time as a new parent with a

demanding job. Taking some rare time to focus on myself and plan for my short-term

and long-term goals has given some much-needed inner peace and the confidence to

make important decisions for myself and my family. I would recommend Stellar Life

Strategies to anyone, without hesitation.

Samantha J.

Vancouver, Canada

How is life coaching different from therapy?

Therapy is a term used to describe the work done by medically trained psychiatrists, psychologists or clinicians who treat their patients for mental disorders as defined by industry manuals such as DSM or ICD. They typically aim to resolve their patients’ problems by focusing on the past to discover root causes which often stem from childhood.. Life coaches, while acknowledging the importance of personal history, focus on their clients’ current life situations and how to move forward to create the futures they desire in all aspects of their life.

Why is coaching done by via phone or zoom?

Coaching by phone or Zoom is the preferred method because it achieves the best results in the least amount of time regardless of your location. Other benefits include:

  • Higher level of comfort and the feeling of safety. Clients are more comfortable in their familiar environment which enables them to more effectively strip off their “social mask”, dig deep and uncover their true desires.
  • Better focus for your coach to tune into the emotional resonance in your voice, tone and words to uncover the true objectives behind your dreams
  • Elimination of distractions by being in their own personal space means that clients and coaches can use all their energy on working to achieve results
  • No time spent commuting during rush hour to a coach’s location
  • Continuity of service clients can continue to work with their preferred coach regardless of their respective locations and whether or not one of them moves residences or is travelling for business.
How many sessions are needed?

Typically we schedule weekly sessions with our clients so they have time to reflect and execute on their weekly goals between sessions. We will work with you as long as needed. Some goals are accomplished is a few weeks and others need more time. Typically, as you follow one strategy in an area of your life and accomplish your objective, you may look to other areas to optimize them as well, with the goal of getting a balanced life.

What Does it cost?

Our hourly rate is $395 (Canadian dollars). We offer custom coaching packages to suit your schedule as well as gift certificates. All sessions are non-refundable and fully transferable.



Contact Us

We're an energetic, flexible, and open-minded team ready to work hard for our clients. If you're interested in learning more about working with us, please send us a message. All inquiries are welcome and will be answered within 24 hours.

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